Harmonics of these normal forces will resonate the natural frequency resonant modes of the stator structure so producing acoustic noise. 这些简正力量泛音将共鸣定子结构的自然频率共振方式如此导致音响噪声。
A rotational and translational vibration model including the coupling between two stage trains was established to predict the natural modes of encased differential herringbone gear train. 建立了封闭式人字齿轮行星传动系统的扭转-横向振动模型,模型考虑了两级传动之间的弹性耦合。
The dynamic equation of compliant mechanism based on the finite element method is developed, and the natural frequencies and modes are derived at first. 基于有限元方法,建立柔顺机构的动力学方程,得到系统各阶固有频率和模态。
In the early modal synthesis techniques, the main cause of computation error comes from the truncation of higher order natural vibration modes. 在早期的模态综合法中,引起计算误差的主要原因是由于截去了高阶模态。
Construction of the Discrete System for the Rod by Partial Natural Modes and Frequencies Data 由部分模态及频率数据构造杆件离散系统
Three damage numerical models are analysed with modal and give the ten natural frequencies and modes. 并进行三种裂缝损伤状况模拟,然后进行模态分析,计算出前十阶的频率和模态。
The calculating results demonstrate: ( 1) Calculation error for ten lower natural acoustic modes in the cavity of combustion chamber is less than 3%; 应用本文编制的计算程序进行试算的结果表明:(1)燃烧室内腔前10阶固有振型的预估误差不大于3%;
Proof of node theorem for natural modes 振型节点定理的证明
At last, numerical modal analysis is applied to mufflers and gets natural vibration frequencies and natural modes. Study the relation between the natural modes and noise signal to perfect the design the research of dissipative silencer. 最后,对阻性消声器进行计算模态分析,得到其固有频率及固有振型,研究其固有振型与噪声信号的关系,完善阻性消声器性能的研究。
The sufficient and necessary condition for the identification of the natural stress modes is that their norm squares are equal to the deformation eigenvalues. 证明了确定杂交元本征应力模式的充分必要条件是其范数平方等于所形成杂交元的变形模态特征值;
A Characteristic Study of Natural Stress Modes and Stress Subspace in Hybrid Finite Element Method 杂交元本征应力模式和应力子空间的性质研究
When vibration table fixture is designed, the fixture is divided into two substructures: back beam and bottom plate according to the method of dividing into substructures based on natural vibration modes. 在电子机柜振动台夹具的动态结构设计中,提出以振型来分割子结构的方法,将夹具分割为靠背和底盘两大子结构。
The characteristics of natural stress modes and stress subspace in finite element were discussed in detail. The stress subspace of hybrid finite element was focused on and some of the theorems were developed and improved so that the new methods can be put forward. 详细讨论了有限元本征应力模式和应力子空间的性质,并着重讨论和进一步完善了与杂交应力有限元应力子空间有关的一些定理,为提出新方法提供了理论基础。
The natural modes and frequencies of the framework of a knit-weaving machine are de-termined and its mechanic model established on the basis of finite element method. 本文用有限元素法建立织编机机架的力学模型,并计算了机架的低阶固有频率及相应的振型。
Besides, formulas of natural frequencies, modes and earthquake response of regular buildings are summarized. 此外,还归纳给出了自振周期、振型和地震反应计算公式。
The node theorem of natural modes for vibrational systems with multi-degree-of-freedom has been proved, and a condition to draw the conclusion has been given in this paper. 证明多自由度振动系统主振型的节点定理,给出定理成立的一个充分条件。
This paper describes a computer method for determining characteristic Pair ( natural frequencies and modes) with geared system. 本文叙述了确定齿轮传动系统特征对(固有频率和振型)的计算机方法。
Presented in the paper is a matrix perturbation method for calculating the natural vibration modes of a bridge structure with parametric modifications. 提出应用矩阵摄动法来求解桥梁结构改变后的固有模态。
The Inverse Problem in Vibration From Frequencies Date and Natural Modes 振动系统中的模态频率逆问题
First, instead of natural vibration modes of substructure, the so-talled iterated Ritz vectors are adopted to economize CPU time of computation. 其一是用所谓迭代Ritz矢代替子结构的固有振动模态,以节约计算机时。
Determination of natural frequency and natural modes of elastic beam with resonance method 用共振法测定弹性梁固有频率及振型
The Method of Using Grains of Sand as Accelerometers to Determine Natural Vibration Modes of Small Wing Models 确定小尺寸模型机翼自振型的砂粒加速度法
It was very important to study natural resources management modes because of its impacts on sustainable use. 研究资源管理模式对实现自然资源可持续利用具有重要意义。
The optimal control theory is introduced to design the control law. Natural vibration modes are obtained by spectral transformation Lanczos method. The FEM is used to simulate the wing structure. 采用亚音速偶极子格网法计算非定常气动力,用状态空间法计算翼面颤振速度,利用最佳控制理论进行最优控制设计,结构固有振动用谱变换Lanczos方法求得。
The rotor bearing system of an energy storage flywheel has several natural whirl modes with low frequencies. The modal decaying exponents of the whirl model decisively influence the running safety of the high speed flywheel. 高速运转的储能飞轮支承系统存在多个低频进动模态,这些模态的衰减指数对飞轮的安全运转具有决定意义。
Do modal analysis, and find natural frequencies and modes of vibration of dual derrick. 通过模态分析确定井架的固有频率和振型。
The first ten natural frequency and modes were predicated for different clamping types. 分析了不同装夹方式下框类整体结构件前10阶固有频率及振型。
In addition, the leaf spring put together with the frame is analyzed. Thirdly, by Finite Element vibration analysis on the frame, the natural frequencies and natural modes of the first ten ranks have been obtained. 另外,对该车装配的板簧做了静力分析。再次,进行该车架的有限元振动模态分析,得到其结构的前十阶固有频率和模态振型。
Dynamic analysis: The natural vibration modes and frequencies of the bridge are computed using the subspace iteration method. Subsequently, the effect of seismic action are analyzed using response spectrum method. 3. 动力分析:利用子空间迭代法计算分析了桥梁的自振频率和振形,并用反应谱法对桥梁在多遇地震作用下的响应进行了计算分析。